Wise and Foolish Servants-Luke 12:42-48
We have all heard that Jesus is coming Back. That should be the best news we will ever hear, but for many Christians, it is just a story. A story that is more like fantasy than reality. A story they hear, but do not really believe. And because they do not believe it, they have missed the power they could otherwise have in Christ.

Important Upcoming Dates

  • July 20-25
    • Synodical Convention in St. Louis
  • August 1-7
    • Pastor’s Vacation
  • August
    • No Sunday School or LifeGroups

Guest Pastor-Steve Sirek
Pastor Sirek grew up on a farm 10 miles west of Pierce, NE. He is a graduate of Pierce High School, Concordia Teachers College (now Concordia University) and Concordia Theological Seminary.

Steve writes this: “I was blessed with many ministry experiences: Lutheran High School Teacher and Coach, College Professor and Coach, Missionary Manager for Orphan Grain Train in Latvia, Lutheran High School Campus Pastor, Parish Pastor and Major Gift Officer for Concordia University, NE. I am presently an Insurance Associate with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans in Lincoln, NE.

I have been blessed with three children: Christiana (Jarrod), Stephanie (Erik) and Micah. My wife, Kathy, and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary this summer.”

Summer Message Series-The Mind of Jesus
Our Summer Message Series, uses the parables of Jesus as a guide and inspiration for living and demonstrating the love God has for us. The parables make up a large part of the recorded preaching of Jesus. The great themes of Jesus are intimately revealed and expressed in His parables. A bonus in studying the parables is that they put us in touch with the mind of Jesus as well, if not better, than any other part of the Gospels. That will be our quest. What is the mind of Jesus and what does He tell us?

Today our parable is about being faithful to the calling we have from our Savior and being ready for His coming.