“Always be Ready” – 1 Peter 3:15
Were the disciples really ever ready for what Jesus was going to do next? There was a gap between an awareness that Jesus was the Messiah and what that really meant. Only experience, living and witnessing would bring that. The triumphant entry into Jerusalem with all the praise must have swelled their chest with pride, that this King was their Lord. They were chosen special and walking with him. Were they ready? No, not then.

What had changed for Peter as he writes these words to us, “in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.”

Question of the week: What did the disciples Andrew and Philip have in common?

Answer: Andrew and Philip were among the first five that Jesus called as disciples. Andrew brought his brother Peter to Jesus. Philip brought Nathaniel to Jesus. Both Philip and Andrew were from the same northern fishing village on the Sea of Galilee called Bethsaida.

Update on our LifeCenter
Landscaping preparation on our new site began Thursday, April 10. Praise God! “Grubbing” is finished and landscaping is next.

Easter Egg Hunt
There is an Easter Bunny loose. Our Word of Life Easter Egg Hunt is Sunday afternoon. Lots of fun with an Easter Bunny to say “hello” to. Picture time, anybody! Games, crafts, snacks and the Easter Bunny are for your children’s enjoyment from 2 p.m. to 4:30 pm. The Easter Egg Hunt is at 3 p.m. at the Town Center with the youngest children starting first.

Word of Life Auction
Congratulations to our Auction Team and all those who participated both with your gifts and buying. Quite an accomplishment, and we praise God for the outcome. Thanks to R.O. and Jason and Lynette for guiding and leading a great team effort. What a crew! A special thanks to the Pro Auction Company, with Col. Dana Terrell leading the way, for donating their services to us. The best comment that summed it all up, “What a great way to get to know each other.” Thank you Lord for blessing Word of Life in so many ways.