“Put All Your Anxieties on Him” – 1 Peter 5:7
What was it like to sit, wait, think and mourn for the one who loved you in a way that was unmatched? This most caring, miracle-performing, truth-speaking brother, son and friend who was betrayed, falsely accused, beaten and savagely humiliated. Then He was hung, strangled by the nailing of His stretched body on the Roman torture invention of the cross. Some had faithfully accompanied and watched Him die, others had abandoned him and now sat in their shame and grief as only a deserter knows. All ached with the loss of their Messiah.
Talk about anxiety. Did they try to console each other, give each other support? How could they but yet out of this dark pit they would be lifted up by the news that He lives. Christ is risen!
Question for Easter: Who was Salome?
Answer: Salome was one of the faithful women who was present at the crucifixion of Jesus, His burial and at the empty tomb after the resurrection of Jesus. She was the mother of James and John and most Biblical scholars believe she was the sister of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Update on our LifeCenter
Landscaping preparation on our new site began Thursday, April 10. Praise God! Grubing is completed and landscaping has started.
Easter Prayer, Praise and Ground Breaking Service
Join us for an Easter Prayer, Praise and Ground Breaking Service at 8:30 a.m. on Easter Sunday, April 20, at 200 Fletcher, which will be our new church location.
Easter Egg Hunt
Our Word of Life Spring Fling and Easter Egg Hunt last Sunday afternoon was lots of fun. It was held indoors because of rain with over 90 participating with 40 plus from the community. Thanks to Carla, Shelley W., Shan, Anne, Pat, Jenna, Arica, Sean and the rest of the team for planning, hosting and leading activities. A special thanks to the Easter Bunny for being the “rock star!” All praise to God as we serve our community.