“Game On and a Blessed Thanksgiving!”
Did you know that Christ was once asked to settle a family dispute? The gospel of Luke tells us about a man that came to Jesus and requested, “…tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” Luke 12:13. Do you remember how Jesus answered him? With a question is the right answer. The Rabbi didn’t choose to settle the dispute but proceeded to demonstrate a truth that not only spoke to the soul of this man but speaks to all and especially to us this coming Thanksgiving week.

What should we be thankful for? Jesus answered this man with a parable with a central message that “life does not consist in the abundance of your possessions.” Then what does it consist of? Thanksgiving is a time of reflection, of friendship, family and giving thanks to God. What was the brother missing as he asked Jesus to correct what he saw as an injustice? What understanding do we need to be thankful in a manner that leads to a “Game On” outlook?

Question: In Luke 12:13, we are told that a man approached Jesus and said to Him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” What perceived injustice might have this brother been referring to?

Answer: In the Jewish tradition, the firstborn was guaranteed a double portion of the family inheritance. Quite possibly, the brother who was addressing Jesus was not the firstborn and wanted an equal share of the inheritance.

Christmas Parade
A parade at this time of the year? Yes, a Lighted Christmas Parade in Seward on November 29 at 5:30 p.m. Remember the winter parade that escaped Lincoln? It is in Seward now, and for the fourth year, Word of Life will have a float. Word of Life’s float celebrates the birth of Jesus and is a project by our Youth and Children’s programs. The parade theme this year is “There Is No Place Like Home.” How fitting for us who know that the little babe born in Bethlehem is the gift that brings us the home above all homes, our Heavenly Home.

Update on our LifeCenter – 200 Fletcher Ave.
The furnaces have been turned on and the building activity is now all inside the LifeCenter. Dry wall installation is close to being completed and painting will begin soon. Flooring materials have been selected by our color team and installing carpet and tile is next. Thanks again to our work team, our architect Rick Geiler, Luke Renken and Lucas Mohrman for keeping everything coordinated and moving along.

Samaritan Purse- Operation Christmas Child
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.