Good Friday Service- 7:00 pm

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Psalm 22:1

         The Christian writer James Kushiner asks, “Back in the first century, what went through the minds of the crowd as Jesus passed by to loud Hosannas? What were they hoping this new messiah would bring?” Expecting a kingdom, James and John requested positions of power. Many people had seen or heard the message and miraculous power of Jesus and must have felt it was only a matter of time before Jesus would bring a better life for them. The Jewish power leaders, who had so much to lose wondered how they were going to stop Him acknowledging, “Look, the whole world has gone after him.”  Then they had a plan using Judas to lead them to Jesus, to arrest Him when the admiring crowds did not surround Him

Kushiner writes, “Or so they thought. Jesus was unstoppable on His mission. That Palm Sunday Road, strewn with garments, led to Golgotha, where Jesus’ garments were thrown down. The New King was about to be elevated. James and John were not enthroned on either side with him, but only two thieves. One blasphemed, the other saw that Jesus was about to win the Kingdom, defeating first sin, then death itself.”

On this Good Friday, we acknowledge Christ journey to the cross. We hear, we see His agony, His suffering, His death. At His invitation we come to His table and taste and know that His journey did not end on the cross. He lives and thanks be to God, we also live.



Question for Good Friday: How many years before crucifixion did David write Psalm 22 about the suffering of Jesus?


Answer: Inspired by the Holy Spirit, David wrote Psalm 22 about 1000 years before the Friday when Christ on the cross called out “with a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”



Come and join us on Easter Sunday, April 5th for our 10:30 service. Live Forever Psalm 16:11




April 3–      Good Friday Service                                   7:00 pm

April 5–       Easter Sunday Service                            10:30 am

(No Sunday School and LifeGroups)

April 26–      Confirmation Sunday

May 3–        Dedication of the LifeCenterl