We are …

  • Passionate for People
  • Proclaimers of the Word
  • Filled with Joy and Excitement
  • Life Giving – Grace Filled
  • Called Out to Serve Christ

We are …

A community of believers called out by God, living Christ’s love, compelled to serve and share the Life given by faith in Jesus the Word of Life.


Which denomination are you a part of?

We are members of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. With more than 6,150 congregations and 9,000 professional church workers, the Missouri Synod is the second largest Lutheran body in North America, and the 11th largest denomination in the United States.

How long has Word of Life been around?

Word of Life was founded in 2008 as a church plant of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Malcolm, Neb.

How do I become a member?

We plan to hold membership classes several times a year. To sign up for the next class, contact the church office at 402-742-9673 or info@wordoflifelincoln.org