Advancing the Gospel!
My name is Paul, although I am also known by my Hebrew name, Saul. I am a Hebrew of the tribe of Benjamin, a Pharisee and a disciple of Gamaliel and a Roman citizen. I hated those that followed the Way, and I hunted them down. Little did I know that my hatred would bring me to Jesus, who called me as I was in pursuit of those who followed Him. Travelling on the way to Damascus I was struck down, blinded by a flash of light and called out by Jesus, the name that is above all names.

Now I write to you my brothers and sisters, fellow partners in the Gospel. Look what is happening even as I am now in chains, imprisoned. The Gospel is being advanced and all the Imperial Guard knows about our Lord and our cause. Most of the partners that are here have become bold in speaking the Word. Hear His call and may the boldness He gives let you use the opportunities of life to advance the Good News. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

Question of the week: Paul referenced the Imperial Guard in Phil. 1:13. Who was Paul referring to?

Answer: The Imperial guard was the unit or division of select Roman soldiers that guarded and were under the direction of the Roman Emperor.

Word of Life Auction
We are very excited to tell you that the date of auction for our LifeCenter is April 6 at 1:30 p.m. in Seward at the 4-H Building. More information to come.

Update on our LifeCenter
The Planning Team met with Rick Geiler, our architect, on Feb. 3. The bid plans now will be distributed to be returned by late February. A meeting was held Jan. 24 with Cattle Bank in Seward to discuss final loan details. A test well was drilled in January on our property and an adequate supply of excellent quality water was found. Construction will start as weather permits in March or April. Projected completion of the LifeCenter is Thanksgiving 2014.

We pray and trust that God will lead us as we go, serving Him. Our LifeCenter for Christ and Community Campaign Co-Leaders are R.O. Ouellette and Jason and Lynette Windhorst, Mike McHargue and Tom Hoegemeyer. Contact me, Pastor Larry at 402-641-3692 or for information on our prayer team and the vision we have in serving Him.