“Lead Me!” – Psalm 23:3
Would you rather lead or follow? What is your first response? Don’t we prefer independence and freedom to go where we want? Yes, until we don’t know where to turn, or we are between that proverbial rock and a hard place. Then, we look for someone to or something that guides us, leads us to the outcome or destination that we are seeking.

We are on a journey. Do we need to know our destination before we leave in order to reach that destination? It sure helps in getting to work or school, doesn’t it? What about the route, the path that we take to get there? What if we are venturing into the unknown? Then reality hits. We are venturing into the unknown each and every day! Now the words of David become more meaningful, “He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3. Lead me Lord, keep me close.

Question of the week: David was tending sheep as a young man when God selected him to be the next king of Judah. Soon after he was anointed by Samuel, David met and served Saul, the first king. Why was David called to serve Saul?

Answer: Saul had a spirit from the Lord that was tormenting him. David, who was a musician and played the lyre, was summoned to play for Saul when Saul was troubled.

Congregation Meeting
We will have a congregation meeting Sunday after the service. We will have our election for Our Board of Lay Leadership positions and a Pastor’s preview of the year to come.

Update on our LifeCenter
The new address for Word of Life is 200 Fletcher Drive. The major clearing and groundwork is completed, contracts signed and foundation work scheduled for May.