“A Chosen Race” – 1 Peter 2:9
Your name is called and then you hear the words, “You are chosen.” Could it possibly be that the people being called, the chosen, include you? Chosen as part of a group, a race of people. You are special, called out! Called to what, to do what, to receive what, to be what?

Peter writes, yes, it is true, you are chosen to proclaim and praise Him who called you into His light. Your call, as a child of God, is to be His emissary, His priest, carrying His light that radiates into the darkness and brings clarity and life abundantly. Carry that light boldly in His grace.

Question of the week: What did the Old Testament priests of Israel do? What was their role?

Answer: Old Testament priests made the sacrifices, performed the rituals and acted as mediator between man and God. They were responsible for offering the divinely appointed sacrifices to God, for executing the different procedures and ceremonies relating to the worship of God, and for being a representative between God and man.

Welcome to Our Guests
Word of Life welcomes you on the part of Pastor Larry Oetting and all the partners in the Gospel here at Word of Life as you view our website and Facebook page or attend our service. Please know that we desire to offer to all an oasis of hope, trust, safety and love through His power and in His name. As God leads you, we hope to get to know you and serve you through His power and love.

LifeGroup Information
LifeGroup is the name for our small groups at Word of Life. In LifeGroups, we share, we study and we support. The leader facilitates the discussion, centering on the life that Jesus gives us. LifeGroup members are partners in the Word, by God’s grace and direction, living life together, no matter what.

One LifeGroup meets on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. twice a month. A Men’s LifeGroup meets every Wednesday at 6:30 a.m. at Word of Life. Three Sunday Morning LifeGroups meet at 9:15 a.m. at Word of Life. Call Pastor Larry at 402-641-3692 for information.

Prayer Team Ministry
We thank Marsha Dick for coordinating our Prayer Team Ministry at Word of Life since it began. Shirley Guy, (sguy52@yahoo.com) is the new coordinator for the ministry. Contact Shirley to become a member of the ministry team or to submit a prayer request. All prayer request are kept confidential to the team members.

Update on our LifeCenter
The Planning Team met Sept. 23 with our architect, Rick Geiler. Previously, Rick reported that he had a very encouraging meeting in early August with city officials discussing building details of our LifeCenter. In that meeting, the fire chief gave the important opinion that we will not have to install a sprinkler system in the building.

We are counting down and getting close to being able to set a date for building. A quick summary of where we are at is Word of Life has purchased the land and also paid early start-up costs, which together total about $140,000. With pledges from members, it is projected that we will have approximately $150,000 in the building fund by Jan. 1, 2014.

The cost estimate for our new LifeCenter given at our Sept. 23 meeting was $675,000. That cost is an estimate and does depend on when contracts are signed and building begins. It does appear that considerable savings are possible if certain work is completed by members.

This past week has been a blessed week for contributions and pledges. The Campaign Team will have an announcement Sunday about building plans possibilities.

We pray and trust that God will lead us as we go, serving Him. Our LifeCenter for Christ and Community Campaign Co-Leaders are R.O. Ouellette and Jason and Lynette Windhorst, Mike McHargue and Tom Hoegemeyer. Contact me, Pastor Larry at 402-641-3692 or larkitoetting@yahoo.org for information on our prayer team and the vision we have in serving Him.

Scrip and Recycling For Cash
Consider using SCRIP cards for groceries and many other purchases. Obtain your SCRIP cards from Lynette Windhorst. Mike Hagerbaumer will have his pickup at the “Church” parking lot collecting aluminum cans before and after the first church service of each month. The proceeds will go to the New Church Building Fund.