“God of Peace!” – 1 Thessalonians 5:23
At times, it seems we have a secret to share that everyone is looking for. It remains a secret, not because we try to keep it hidden, but rather because many choose to not find it. The secret to life, which we are chosen to share, is that God has given us a world of complexity and in this world is hope, joy and peace.

The opposing view, a sophisticated religion of disbelief, discredits purpose, morality and beauty and replaces it with an explanation that everything is determined by chance. The renowned agnostic Carl Sagan attested to this belief when he wrote, “We would prefer it to be otherwise, of course, but there is no compelling evidence for a cosmic Parent who will care for us and save us from ourselves. It is up to us.”

So here we are, in between Christmas past and a New Year ahead. The Christmas Celebration has given us the opportunity to know and feel the cause of “Peace on earth!” Paul tells in 1 Thessalonians 5:23, “Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way…” So, yes Lord, you are the God of purpose, of beauty, of joy, of hope and peace. We come to you to confidently knowing that through you fear and chance is removed and peace is given.

Question of the week: Joseph was warned in a dream to take Mary and Jesus and flee from Bethlehem because Herod wanted to kill “the King of the Jews.” What country did they flee to?

Answer: The answer, Egypt, is given in Matthew 2.13-15. “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.” And he rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt and remained there until the death of Herod.”

Sunday School and LifeGroups Resume
Sunday, Jan. 4, we resume our regular time for Sunday School and LifeGroups.

New Year’s Series
On Jan. 4 we begin a series called “Cinema, Culture and Christ!” . The first movie we will reference is “Mockingjay Part 1.” Other movies we will look at in the series are “Exodus” and “Unbroken.” Is there a recent movie you would like to suggest is a part of the series?

Church Updates – Word of Life Directory
Word of Life has a church directory with photos thanks to Larry and Susan Biel for the pictures and Haley Kindrex for organizing and entering information. It includes phone numbers and addresses. Go to Church Updates and click on the icon in the upper right hand corner.