Life Notes:


                                                      Question: What is Life?


The question, “What is life,” brings other questions such as: Who gives us life? When does life begin? Does life have meaning?


How do you answer those questions? If life is a fortunate accident then who decides right or wrong or for that matter who decides when life begins? If the unborn child is a life how can we not protect that life? Yet on an average day, the lives of 3000 unborn children are ended purposely in United States. How can that be? Obviously the rules affecting life and death of the unborn are being decided by those who misguidedly believe they have the power to define life.


The Old Testament Prophet Isaiah had the answer to who is in control. Spirit led Isaiah brought that answer alive by writing, “But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8 God our Creator is the potter and God has given us life and told us to cherish and protect it.



Question of the week: What is the process of making pottery actually called?

Answer: In the case of making pottery on the wheel it is called “pottery wheel throwing”. However, many people refer to it as “making pottery” or “throwing pottery” or simply “throwing”.








 Feb. 13–    Family Night                                                      6:00 pm

                   Chocolate & Friends- Sweet Fellowship


Feb. 15–    Sunday School and LifeGroups                  9:15 am

                  Question: What is Life?                                10:30 am



Feb. 18–     Ash Wednesday– The Spirit of the Lord     7:00 pm


Feb. 22–      Sunday School and LifeGroups                  9:15 am

                    Question: What is Righteous Anger?       10:30 am


March 15Sunday School and LifeGroups                  9:15 am

                     Dedication of Life Center                           10:30 am




            LifeCenter Opening on Hold- Need Fire Marshall Approval

The LifeCenter is ready for an inspection from the Fire Marshall. There is a backlog of inspections and Rick Geiler, our architect, is working on getting the inspection scheduled. The State Fire Marshall Office did okay storing our 275 chairs in the LifeCenter which arrived this week. Soon our address will be 200 Fletcher Avenue.


                       Teams at Word of Life


Ruth Walla is our Altar Prep Team leader. The team prepares the communion elements and the Altar for Communion on the second and fourth Sunday mornings and clean up afterwards. If you are interested in serving in this special way please contact Ruth Walla. (402-580-1764)


Phil Dani is the Property Team Leader. (Trustees) Please contact Phil (402-525-7790) to be part of the team.