Creator, Protector, Director- Psalm 121



Imagine this, you are on a trip. Think about a trip that you have made that for some reason was very difficult. Now add, throw in to your thought process the journey your ancestors made to this great melting pot nation of ours. What an experience that must have been.  As you process the danger and difficulties of these trips now ask, who do I turn to? Psalm 121 asks it this way, “From where does my help come?”


Some trips are more difficult than others and the trip that the psalmist prepares us for is our life. We look to the hills to see what is ahead as best as we can. Destination, challenges and surprises are ahead. What will happen to me? Where am I going to receive help are our questions.


The psalmist answers the question. God is the Creator of all, the Creator of heaven and earth. God’s power is unmatched and He is our protector, deliverer, director and guide as we journey. Trust in the God of all to overcome the uncertainty, the unknown, the fears we have. The Lord will direct and guide us though the valleys and hills of life to the destination called home.


Question of the week: From time to time we hear about the exile period of Israel. What happened to Israel during this time?


Answer: The Babylonian captivity or exile refers to the time period in Israel’s history (607-586 B.C.) when Jews were taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon. It is an important period of biblical history because both the captivity/exile and the return and restoration of the Jewish nation were fulfillments of Old Testament prophecies.





 March 1–   Sunday School and LifeGroups                 9:15 am

Creator, Protector, Director- Psalm 121   10:30 am

March 8–   Sunday School and LifeGroups                  9:15 am

Enter into His Presence- Psalm 95:1-9     10:30 am

March 15–   Sunday School and LifeGroups                9:15 am

My Refuge and Strength- Psalm 142       10:30 am

March 22–   Sunday School and LifeGroups                9:15 am

My Soul Waits- Psalm 130                        10:30 am