“Abraham and Sarah’s Journey!”
What a difference the blessing of God makes. We don’t know why Terah, the father of Abram, never made it to Canaan, his destination. We know he left Ur of the Chaldeans, with his family to go to the land of Canaan. However, when they reached Haran, they settled there.
Terah died at Haran and so Abram, at the age of 75 was told by God to take his entire family and all his possessions and go to the land He would show him. Then God blessed Abram and decreed that Abram would be a blessing. With the blessing of God Abraham and Sarah began their journey of faith. What would the blessing and journey bring them and us?
Question of the Week: Why did God change the names of Abram and Sarai?
Answer: When God changed a person’s name and gave him a new name, it was usually to establish a new identity. God changed Abram’s “high father” name to “Abraham,” “father of a multitude” (Genesis 17:5) and his wife’s name from “Sarai,” “my princess,” to “Sarah,” “mother of nations” (Genesis 17:15). We know from history that the descendants of Abraham and Sarah formed many nations, including the Jews’ and Muslims’.
May 10 Sunday School and LifeGroups 9:15 am
Mother’s Day
Abraham and Sarah’s Journey 10:30 am
May 17 Sunday School and LifeGroups 9:15 am
Pentecost- “Give Ear to My Words!” Acts 2:14 10:30 am
Congregation Meeting- After Service 11:45 am
May 24 Sunday School and LifeGroups 9:15 am
Jacob’s Birthright! 10:30 am
May 31 Sunday School and LifeGroups 9:15 am
“Life in Six Words!” 10:30 am
June 7 Sunday School and LifeGroups 9:15 am
“Son of the Pharaoh!” 10:30 am
June 14 Sunday School and LifeGroups 9:15 am
“Gideon- Are You sure Lord?” 10:30 am
June 7 Sunday School and LifeGroups 9:15 am
Pastor Barry Kolb!” 10:30 am
What Is Your Gift?
Music Ministry, Altar Prep Ministry, Property Ministry, Child Care Ministry and Office Staffing Ministry Teams and others are all opportunities for you to minister in an area that God has gifted you. Please consider and contact the team leader or Pastor Larry.
LifeCenter Dedication and Open House
We praise God for a very successful Dedication and Open House. It was a delight to meet and thank so many people for their interest and support. We thank Carol, Carla, Ruth & Dan, Jason & Lynette, Denise & Kent and Lucas for planning and organizing. Thanks to RO for lunch for the organizing team, Shan and Hannah for preparing the puppet show, Laurie, Fred, Kent, Bev and Mike for the great music and Trevor for the production. Praise God
Vacation Bible School
VBS will be held at Word of Life July 20-24th this year. It will be held in the evening (exact times to be announced). Watch for more details and opportunities to serve!
Word of Life Congregation Meeting
We will be having our annual meeting and voters meeting right after church service on Sunday May 17, 2015.
Family Ministry Events
Susan and Larry Biel lead our Family Ministry at Word of Life. Coming events are hosting a Blood Drive on May 30 from 10:00 to 2:00, Marriage Workshop on June 20, Fireworks View from 200 Fletcher on July 3 and the Biel’s Backyard Café in Seward on July the Fourth.