The Promise
Long, long ago a promise was given that a Son was to be born that would change the world. It was a prophecy that began with Adam and Eve, was clarified with a promise to Abraham and then given to David by the Prophet Nathan. God’s message through Nathan was that David would himself become a house. A Son was to be born to “…establish His kingdom. He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of His kingdom forever.” 2 Samuel 7:13
David, the beloved king of Israel, a man with God’s “own heart,” was chosen as part of the promise. From his descendants the promised one, “the Son of David,” would be born. Jesus is the “Son of David,” promised and delivered. May we know that through the fulfillment of the promise we have received Life, we live Life together and we by His grace share the promise of Life.
LifeCenter Update
Ownership is a blessing and brings new developments. LifeCenter Design (Internal Environment) and Landscape Teams are at work and have developed plans for grounds and what we are referring to as our visual environment inside the LifeCenter. A work day is ahead and flowers, shrubs and trees will be planted. Panels for the front of the church have been designed to be installed. Our welcome area will have new furniture, the Youth Room will be furnished and Pastor Larry will soon have his office ready with computer and phone. All to His glory.
Question: How often was Jesus called the “Son of David,” In the New Testament?
Answer: Jesus is called the Son of David fourteen times in the New Testament starting with Matthew 1:1. “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.”