Who Wants to be First? Mark 9:30-37

Whose glory do you seek? There can be no share in God’s glory without the cross.  When Jesus prophesied his own betrayal and crucifixion, it did not make any sense to his disciples because it did not fit their understanding of what the Messiah came to do.  And they were afraid to ask further questions!  Like a person who might receive a bad verdict from the doctor and then refuse to ask further questions, they, too, didn’t want to know any more. How often do we reject what we do not wish to see?  We have heard the good news of God’s word and we know the consequences of accepting it or rejecting it.  But do we give it our full allegiance and mold our lives according to it?  Ask the Lord to fill you with his Holy Spirit and to inspire within you a reverence for his word and a readiness to obey it.

How ashamed the disciples must have been when Jesus overheard them arguing about who among them was the greatest!  But aren’t we like the disciples?  We compare ourselves with others and desire their praise. The appetite for glory and greatness seems to be inbred in us.  Who doesn’t cherish the ambition to be “somebody” whom others admire rather than a “nobody”?   Even the psalms speak about the glory God has destined for us. You have made them a little lower than God, and crowned them with glory and honor(Psalm 8:5). Jesus made a dramatic gesture by embracing a child to show his disciples who really is the greatest in the kingdom of God.  What can a little child possibly teach us about greatness? Children in the ancient world had no rights, position, or privileges of their own.  They were socially at the “bottom of the rung” and at the service of their parents, much like the household staff and domestic servants. What is the significance of Jesus’ gesture.