“Who Are You Lord?” Acts 9:5
We do not know what was driving Saul. He had captured and imprisoned followers of Christ in Jerusalem and now was on his way to do the same in Damascus. Intellectually gifted, schooled under the renowned Jewish rabbi Gamaliel, gifted with Roman citizenship which was a rarity for a Jew, he was an upcoming star in the Jewish aristocratic religious political world. Admired for his passion and desire to serve God, yet he was restless and distressed.
Seeking to serve his demanding god, he chose to impose on himself the task of Jewish hero, exterminator of those who followed The Way. What were his thoughts as he approached Damascus? Convinced he knew the truth, he met the Truth as he heard his name called. Answering he asked, “Who are you Lord?
Question: Saul (Paul) was in his way from Jerusalem to Damascus to capture followers of Christ and bring them to trial. How far of a distance did his party have to travel?
Answer: The distance from Jerusalem to Damascus is around 150 miles. So, if Saul was traveling by foot, the trip would have taken about two weeks (give or take a few days).