“Sir, We Wish to See Jesus.”
There was a buzz that day in Jerusalem. People were excited about Christ being there. Jesus had just received the accolades of a city and thousands of visitors as He rode on a young colt into the city of Jerusalem. The people had cried out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” Yet there was tension in the air. The Pharisees in their hatred, fear and jealousy were plotting to take Jesus “out.”

In the middle of this confusion and excitement, there were “some Greeks” on a quest. They wanted to meet Jesus, but how do you meet a popular star? You meet the famous in different ways, but often by an introduction. So they approached Phillip with their request. Phillip went to Andrew and together they told Jesus, “Lord, there are Greeks here that want to see you.”

Jesus did not invite the Greeks to meet Him or did He? Was He ignoring their request or answering it? Why did He talk about a seed having to die before it lives? What did He mean, “…the hour has come.” Has the hour come to see Jesus?

Question of the week: Jesus told a parable, recorded in Luke 13:19, about a man planting a seed in his garden that grew and became a tree. What type of seed did the man plant?

Answer: Jesus said the Kingdom of God “…is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his garden, and it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches.” Luke 13:19.

Update on our LifeCenter
The Planning Team is meeting with Rick Geiler, our architect, every two weeks to continue work on building details. The next meeting is Monday, Nov. 25, and the emphasis will be on planning, particularly in the Worship area, as well as what is needed for cables, lightning, and audio/visual equipment. Present plans are to distribute bid plans in early January to be returned in late February. Construction will start as weather permits in March or April. Projected completion of the LifeCenter is Thanksgiving 2014.

Our LifeCenter Campaign continues with a goal to raise the majority of the cost of the LifeCenter. Each giving unit at Word of Life has been asked for a confidential pledge for the building fund, an estimate on their giving for the general fund and/or sign up for a hands-on project on the building itself. We boldly ask for your continued prayers and God’s blessing, knowing it is all in God’s hands to His glory. Our focus remains on sharing the good news and meeting the needs of those around us

We pray and trust that God will lead us as we go, serving Him. Our LifeCenter for Christ and Community Campaign Co-Leaders are R.O. Ouellette and Jason and Lynette Windhorst, Mike McHargue and Tom Hoegemeyer. Contact me, Pastor Larry at 402- 641-3692 or larkitoetting@yahoo.org for information on our prayer team and the vision we have in serving Him.

Christmas Parade in Seward
A parade at this time of the year? Yes, a Christmas Parade in Seward on Nov. 30 at 5:30 p.m. Remember the winter parade that escaped Lincoln? It is in Seward now, along with other activities and a lot of fun for kids of all ages. Word of Life participates with a float for the third year and encourages you to bring your kids and grandchildren. The theme this year is “Believe!” How fitting for us who know and believe that the little babe born in Bethlehem is the gift that Christmas is all about.

LifeGroup Information
LifeGroup is the name for our small groups at Word of Life. In LifeGroups we share, we study and we support. The leader facilitates the discussion centering on the life that Jesus gives us. LifeGroup members are partners in the Word, by God’s grace and direction, living life together, no matter what.

One LifeGroup meets on Wed. at 7 p.m. twice a month. A Men’s LifeGroup meets every Wednesday at 6:30 a.m. at Word of Life. Three Sunday Morning LifeGroups meet at 9:15 a.m. at Word of Life. Call Pastor Larry at 402-641-3692 for information.