“A Light to See.” Isaiah 49:6b


The children and youth of Word of Life will bring the Christmas story to us Sunday through a play called, “I didn’t think it would happen like this.”

It is a parable showing how life often doesn’t go as planned. God’s love, power and mercy is sure and present, but how we expect it to be known and shown is certainly “dimly see.” The prophet Isaiah expressed the love of God as a light that would come. Was the world ready for this light? Often we have well defined expectation of what God’s love is (or isn’t) and what it should look like and the expectations obscure His grace and love until it happens and we see the light. Then we can thankfully say, “I didn’t think it would happen like this.”


Question: How often is the word light found in the Bible?


Answer: The word light is found over 250 times in the King James translation.