“That You May Have Certainty!” Luke 1:1-4
How Luke addressed his words to Theophilus are convincing, reassuring and exciting.
He wrote to Theophilus these words: “Having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I also have decided to write an accurate account for you, most honorable Theophilus, so you can be certain of the truth of everything you were taught.”
Luke was a physician that accompanied the Apostle Paul on his missionary journeys. As a believer in the risen Lord, he spoke to and listened to the disciples and followers of Jesus who had lived with Jesus, seen the miracles, the crucifixion and witnessed the risen Lord. Luke describes the appearances and instruction of Jesus during the 40 days from Easter to Christ ascension but also the ten days of waiting and Pentecost day itself.
“So that we may have certainty,” we open the scrolls together with Theophilus and hear the words of truth.
Question of the Week: Luke wrote the Gospel that bears his name and the book of Acts. He addressed both books to a man called Theophilus. Do we have any information on the identity of Theophilus?
Answer: Theophilus, means friend of God or (be)loved by God or loving God in the Greek language. No one knows the true identity of Theophilus and some believe it is a title. One tradition believes Theophilus was a converted Roman official, possibly Titus Flavius Sabinus II, a former Prefect of Rome and older brother of future Roman Emperor Vespasian. As Titus Flavius Sabinus, Theophilus is given a crucial role in the historical novel The Flames of Rome by Paul Maier.