What Are We to Do?” John 11:47
The clatter of 30 pieces of silver rang out as Judas threw the blood money on the floor of temple in front of the high priests. The thirty pieces had been the bribe that Judas accepted to betray his master, his rabbi, Jesus. You see the Sanhedrin had a problem. They would lose their position of power if they didn’t eliminate Jesus. The people would follow Jesus, they would lose control, Rome would intervene and the Sanhedrin would be out. No more would they have control, status, power and the wealth that went with it.
What were they to do? They found a way to capture Jesus through the greed of a disciple, Judas. Later, after Judas saw that Jesus was condemned he was remorseful and desperately tried to reverse his decision. Going to the temple he confesses his sin and throws the pieces of silver on the temple floor. Distraught, he then hangs himself. Yet the prophecy of Caiaphas, not knowing the truth of his statement, would come true. Saying that they must kill Jesus he stated, “It is better for you that one man should die for the people, not that the whole nation should perish.” John 11:50 What are we to do?
Question: What was the value of 30 pieces of silver that Judas was paid for betraying Jesus?
Answer: It is thought that one silver piece value as currency would be the common wages for a laboring man for four days, or in today’s value perhaps around $400 to $500. The 30 pieces of silver, then, would be worth around $12,000 to $15,000 today.
Rejoice In His Light
Sunday is the fourth Sunday of Lent. Lent is a special time of the year to remember that Christ came as a servant to live and die for us. Lent is a time of repentance and prayerful anticipation of Christ’s resurrection on Easter morning. The panels are now purple, symbolizing mourning and remembrance of how Christ suffered for us. Christians, for centuries, have used color in divine worship to emphasize the redemptive action of God through his Son. Color, like music, plays an important role in the life of God’s worshiping people. Just as music is the “handmaiden to theology,” liturgical color complements the message of the seasons and occasions during the church year. Liturgical colors aid in addressing a specific “colorful” chapter in the life of our Lord and his church, retold annually by the church calendar. The primary role of color in divine worship is it allows us to see the Light of Life, Jesus Christ.
Lenten Services
Our Lenten services are held every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm. Join us for a light supper provided by the Youth from 5:30-6:30 and support them with a free will offering for the Youth to help with the cost of the six who will attend the Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer.