Life Received
In John 10:10 while teaching the Pharisees, Jesus says that he has come to give abundant life to his sheep. The abundant life Jesus delivers is far more than anything we can find apart from him in this world. As part of this abundant life you receive an eternal identity, forgiveness of sins and union with Jesus, your savior. Through this abundant life you enter into a community that extends across the globe and across the centuries.
Baptism is a gift and a promise. It is a gift of new life and identity now, which begins in the simple water combined with God’s word. Here you are united with Christ, by faith, into his death and resurrection.(Rom. 6:1-5) It is a promise of eternal life, being washed clean by the blood of Christ, so that we can live in the presence of God forever (Titus 3:5-7, Col. 2:11-12).
The body and blood of Jesus are delivered to you in the bread and wine of communion. This incredible meal has been central to the worshiping community of Christians for centuries. Through this meal we’re strengthened in faith and fellowship with the gathered Christians receive forgiveness of sins.
Confession & Absolution
Confession and absolution is an awesome gift we receive and share as people have new life in Christ. We admit to God, and to each other, that we’ve lived in a way which contradicts the way God teaches us and created us to live. Instead of pretending everything is fine, we can be utterly transparent and honest. And guess what? He forgives you! When the pastor speaks the words of absolution (forgiveness), it is as if Jesus himself is standing there, speaking the words. God’s forgiveness in Christ restores your peace with Him.
Using the creeds has been part of the practice of the church for almost two thousand years, but that is not why we use the creeds in our Sunday service. When we speak the creeds together in the service, not only do we unite our voices with the millions of Christians who live now and have gone before us, but we also stand together gladly proclaiming what we share in common with each other here. We can disagree or be different on all sorts of things, but with these words we speak and can experience profound community as members of the one body of Christ.
We’re a congregation that loves to sing…loud! The gifts of forgiveness and new life and truth of God’s word gives us good reasons to sing all the time, and especially when we’re gathered together in his name.